Your incredible placenta

Birthing the placenta

Birthing the placenta

A mother will often have another surge to push the placenta out after it has self-detached from the uterine wall. This process can happen as soon as a few minutes...

Birthing the placenta

A mother will often have another surge to push the placenta out after it has self-detached from the uterine wall. This process can happen as soon as a few minutes...

Functions of the placenta

Functions of the placenta

The placenta is essential to a healthy pregnancy. It functions for the baby and the mother from 5­-6th weeks of gestation, until it is expelled naturally after the birth of...

Functions of the placenta

The placenta is essential to a healthy pregnancy. It functions for the baby and the mother from 5­-6th weeks of gestation, until it is expelled naturally after the birth of...

Hormonal powers of the amniotic sac

Hormonal powers of the amniotic sac

Recent studies show that amniotic fluid contains a considerable quantity of stem cells. Some researchers have found that amniotic fluid is also a plentiful source of non­-embryonic stem cells. These...

Hormonal powers of the amniotic sac

Recent studies show that amniotic fluid contains a considerable quantity of stem cells. Some researchers have found that amniotic fluid is also a plentiful source of non­-embryonic stem cells. These...

Traditional Chinese medicine and your placenta

Traditional Chinese medicine and your placenta

Yin and Yang are metaphors for the idea that we live in a dualistic reality. In the “ultimate dimension” there is no Yin­Yang differentiation, only the Tai Yi (Supreme Oneness),...

Traditional Chinese medicine and your placenta

Yin and Yang are metaphors for the idea that we live in a dualistic reality. In the “ultimate dimension” there is no Yin­Yang differentiation, only the Tai Yi (Supreme Oneness),...

Storing your placenta capsules

Storing your placenta capsules

As your placenta has been dehydrated for encapsulation, you must be careful not to place the capsules in a high humidity environment such as a refrigerator. Your average refrigerator can...

Storing your placenta capsules

As your placenta has been dehydrated for encapsulation, you must be careful not to place the capsules in a high humidity environment such as a refrigerator. Your average refrigerator can...