Types of twin placentas

Types of twin placentas

There are generally 3 different types of twin placentas during twin pregnancies. The term chorionic references the placenta amount and the term amniotic references the number of amniotic sacs.

Dichorionic Diamniotic -­ Two placentas, two amniotic sacs, two babies.The babies can be non identical twins and there is no blood transfusion between the babies. In this case, we encapsulate your placentas separately, especially if it is a girl/boy pregnancy. The mother can react differently to the two sets of hormones. As such, it is important that care is taken by the parents to separate the two placentas right after birth. The mother will need to appoint someone during the birth to make sure that each placenta is sealed in the correctly labeled bag after each baby is born. This could be either the birthing staff, or the partner present at the birth. Cross contamination between these two placentas is not an issue, as they both came from the same mother. With most double placentas of normal size it is unlikely that the mother will consume the full amount of capsules yielded. As such, we offer the option of encapsulating one placenta (usually the male placenta if possible), and creating a tincture of the female placenta. The mother can then use that placenta tincture for the daughter when she begins menstruation. We feel this is the best use of the two placentas.

Monochorionic Diamniotic­ - Single placenta, two amniotic sacs, two babies. You will have one large placenta that can sometimes be peanut shaped. We can encapsulate as normal.

Monochorionic Monoamniotic­ - One placenta, one amniotic sac, two babies. Commonly referred to as "momo" twins. This type of twin pregnancy is considered high risk. Because of the umbilical cord insertions points, it is unlikely that both babies would survive a vaginal birth. Momo twins are usually delivered via c­ section between 34-­36 weeks. As the babies grow there is a higher chance of them becoming entangled in each others umbilical cords or compressing each others cords. Even though this is only one placenta, you will still get 75­-100 more capsule yield.

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